Embarking on improving your overall health and wellness is an exciting endeavor. One that requires some serious, upfront preparation before launching into nutrition overhauls, intense workouts, or wellness challenges and establishing a solid foundation to keep you going when times get hard. However, before participating in a new health, nutrition, or physical activity, a visit to the physician's office is often advised. There, the physician will complete a check-up that consists of running some simple tests to obtain the markers on blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar levels, weight/BMI, and to find out if there are any underlying medical conditions. Consulting your physician allows you to go into a wellness regimen informed and aware of these vitals’ benchmarks and any special considerations to help guide what is next regarding your new healthy lifestyle.
Once the check-up out of the way it is time to consciously dive into setting yourself up for success with these 10 tips to help improve your nutrition:
1. Set Realistic Goals
a. Most healthy habits start with a vision, followed by the decision to act in the area to achieve what it is that the heart desires. When dealing with nutrition the same is true. You shall live a life that feeds your body highly nutritious foods so that you can operate at its best. To obtain such a hefty goal, one must first get clear on what it is that they want, why they want it and by when. Once this is accomplished, coming up with tactical plans to maintain and sustain this way of living throughout one’s lifetime must be addressed. One method that can be used to meet objectives is to construct and execute short and long SMART goals.
i. Specific – Be detailed about what you want to accomplish.
ii. Measurable – Quantify by being as specific as possible.
iii. Attainable – Set realistic short & long-term goals to set you up for success.
iv. Relevant – Align goals to nutrition aspirations and priorities.
v. Time-Bound – By when will this goal be achieved. Choose a time that is both challenging and doable to obtain your goals.
2. Hydrate
a. Staying well-hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day is imperative. Water is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption, brain function, and overall bodily functions. A brain that lacks a sufficient amount of water can operate slower when it comes to calculating simple math or remembering things like what today’s date is because the brain is comprised of nearly 75% of water.
b. Infuse your water with fruits or herbs for flavor. Limit sugary drinks because they can negatively impact blood sugar and weight.
3. Plan Meals
a. Limit added sodium and sugar in your meals.
i. When you know what you make you have been control with the amount of sodium and sugar that appears in your meals.
4. Become a Mindful Eater
a. Take a moment to slow down and savor meals by dining tableside without screens/TV to aid digestion. Distraction-free eating prevents overeating. So, when you feel that you are 80 percent full stop eating and drink water. This will help to avoid overeating.
5. Consume Nutrient Rich Foods
a. Nourishing your body with nutrient-rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is an investment in your overall health and well-being. The intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber helps to fuel your body, boost your immune system, and contribute to a sharper mind and better mood throughout the day. If you would like to get your hands on some healthier options try one of our recipe books or guides.
6. Practice Portion Control
a. Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Avoid eating large portions, especially when it comes to high-calorie foods. When you think of fat think of having no more than the size of your thumb (1 teaspoon). Salad Dressing (1 tablespoon) Protein about the size of a deck of cards on the palm of your hands (3 oz). Veggies equivalent to the size of your fist, but no more than 2 cups. Ice-cream or sorbet the size of a tennis ball.
7. Read Labels
a. Empower yourself by understanding the importance of knowing how to read a label. A label allows you to see ingredients, calories, serving sizes per unit, fats, carbs, protein, sodium, sugars and vitamins and minerals at a minimum.
8. Participate in Physical Activity Regularly
a. The participation of activities that help you move the body more is helpful in having the metabolism function at its best and maintaining a healthy weight.
b. The ability to include more physical activity along with making healthier nutrition choices is beneficial in improving physical and mental health while reducing the risk of chronic diseases too.
9. Adequate Sleep
a. Certain nutrients, like tryptophan found in turkey, and magnesium in nuts and seeds, can promote better sleep by aiding in the production of sleep-inducing hormones.
b. Consuming large or heavy meals close to bedtime may disrupt sleep, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and mindful eating patterns for improved sleep quality.
c. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night and be sure to get this in a cool room that is also dark.
10. Learn How to Manage Stress
a. Try to choose whole, unprocessed foods rather than the Standard American Diet (SAD) to help keep your energy levels up, in addition to supporting your mental health.
b. Do your best to dedicate specific time for activities that help you relax and de-stress, like journaling, dancing, meditation, yoga, exercise, spa days, or even spending time alone in nature. Managing stress by finding outlets or things to do that makes you feel good about yourself, or situations is a must to function at your best. It can help you lower your blood pressure and forget about the things that don’t really matter much or bring you happiness.
**Bonus Tip: Hire a Health/Wellness/Life Coach to help you achieve your goals. No need to go at things alone when professionals can help. Such professionals will work to set you up for success so that you can make healthier lifestyle choices.
In conclusion, nutrition really does matter when it comes to how the body, mind, soul, and spirit function throughout life. If you want something different you must get clear and commit to doing some things differently than you had in the past to witness them, come to fruition. March is the perfect month to implement one or two or all 10 tips to help you improve your nutrition. There is no better time like the present than complete a wellness check on yourself and commit to being the best version of you. Your Health Matters!